Jesse Felder

328 days ago

Video: The recipe for $2700 gold

Writer Jesse Felder says that Federal Reserve policy aimed to create a wealth effect through printing money,  has only generated bubbles and the illusion of growth. He goes on to explain that the more money a country prints, the less attractive that currency becomes to other countries. Please take note, the entire UK political class.


522 days ago

Video: More unemployment is needed to cure inflation

There are folks who think that inflation can be cured without pain. Those are the same folks who urged record money printing during the scamdemic. That is what caused inflation not, as they claim, President Putin. Writer Jesse Felder puts them straight.


816 days ago

Video: Fed Reversing Course will be magic for gold as shares crash

Writer Jesse Felder warns that equities have NEVER been more overvalued but that gold offers a …golden opportunity to get rich


1889 days ago

Podcast: Everybody Needs Some Exposure to Gold

Fund manager and commentator Jesse Felder argues that precious metals have become particularly hated. Looking at what is hated is a good way to find opportunities. Gold still brings a lot of skepticism even though the fundamentals are clearly suggesting the need to own it.
